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Our CEO invitation message

We are excited to host you virtually at Whakamanawa – The National Social Services Conference this year! Whakamanawa is the only Conference in Aotearoa bringing together social services kaimahi, social sector leaders and influencers. Our mahi alongside children, rangatahi, families and whānau is essential and this is our chance to hui together.

By attending Whakamanawa 2023 you will get to engage with social services and social sector kaimahi from all corners of the motu, while remaining safe in your own location. You’ll have opportunities to learn about and share your whakaaro on the latest developments in government policy, social service practice, workforce development and related kaupapa. You will be inspired by the incredible keynote kaikōrero we have in store for you!

Everyone who works across Aotearoa’s social services and social sector is welcome to attend – this is your conference.

Our Keynote Kaikōrero & MC

Here’s where you can learn about the incredible keynote kaikōrero speaking at Whakamanawa 2023. More will be added soon.

Matt Brown

Our first Whakamanawa keynote kaikōrero! Matt is a New Zealand born Samoan, who's working to redefine society’s view of masculinity, helping to end domestic violence in Aotearoa. With his wife Sarah, Matt co-founded She is Not Your Rehab, applying his own experience as a survivor of family violence and childhood sexual abuse. 'She is Not Your Rehab' is an invitation for men to acknowledge their own childhood trauma and take responsibility for their healing, so they can transform their pain instead of transmitting it on others.

Louise Marra

Louise Marra's (Ngāi Tuhoe) leadership experience has spanned all sectors, having held senior leadership and governance roles within Government, the private sector, philanthropy and the NGO sector. She has been an advisor to the Prime Minister, co-director of a company, led a collaborative government office, has aided the set-up of social innovation labs both for the Government and for Foundation North’s Centre for Social Impact. Louise is a founder of Unity House and has been programme director Leadership NZ for the past 12 years. Her passion is helping to build the next era of conscious leadership and conscious organisations, grounded in relationships robust enough to enable radical innovation for an emergent approach to personal, social and environmental change. She believes deep connection to own, others, the environment and the wisdom around us in all of life, enables greater possibility for growth and transformation at all levels. Louise works globally and locally, and her practice is deeply grounded in indigenous principles.

Hon Kelvin Davis

Ko Taumarere te awa.
Ko Puketohunoa te maunga.
Ko Ngati Manu te hapu.

Hon Kelvin Davis is a successful former teacher and school principal who turned a struggling Northland school around, and enabled the students to achieve beyond their potential. In the 2020 Labour Government, Kelvin was appointed Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, Minister for Children with responsibility for Oranga Tamariki, Minister of Corrections and Associate Minister of Education. In the 2017 Labour-led Government he was Minister of Corrections, Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, and Tourism, and Associate Minister of Education. Born and bred in the Bay of Islands but now living in Kaitaia, Kelvin is a man of the north who brings skills in education and Māori issues to the Cabinet table to improve outcomes for all New Zealanders educationally, financially, culturally and socially. He is a person with common sense and pragmatism who is able to relate across all sectors of society, but is most at home either fishing or up in the bush of his beloved Karetu Valley.

Conference programme

Whakamanawa will run across each of the three days from 9:15am-12:30pm, making it an engaging, inspiring and comfortable virtual experience..

Conference supporters

Conference sponsors