Our people
Our team is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, supported by our National Executive members around the motu. Our team focuses on serving our members, and working effectively with our partners and stakeholders. Our National Executive members are elected from our member organisations. We collaborate and team up with others to make a bigger difference where we can.
Te Pai Ora SSPA team
Our team at Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa is based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. We acknowledge the mana whenua of this rōhe, Te Āti Awa, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika a Maui, Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
Belinda Himiona
Kaiwhakahaere matua / Chief Executive Officer -
Sarah Fullarton-Boyce
Communications Advisor -
Clare Docherty
Learning & Development Advisor -
Ada Tangiora
Office Coordinator
Belinda Himiona
Kia ora e te whānau, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou – I’m Belinda, CEO of Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa. I whakapapa to Ngāti Apa and Ngāti Hauiti in the Whanganui/Rangitīkei rohe and I was raised in Kaikohe in Tai Tokerau. I have lived in Wellington since the mid 90s and my son is studying at Auckland University.
I have worked in the social, justice and international policy areas in government. I have worked across youth justice, youth development, child abuse, family violence, sexual violence and education sectors. I have most recently led the Policy and Research function at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.
I am an avid connector of people and have rich intergenerational professional and personal networks.
Outside of the office, I am President of the Zonta Club of Wellington which aims to build a better world for women and girls. I love being active and am a keen gardener, photographer and love exploring new places.
Sarah Fullarton-Boyce
Sarah is originally from Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and has had the opportunity to experience many cultures as she has journeyed around the world for both work and travel. After studying Marketing and Communications at the University of Canterbury, her career has given her a wide range of experience across health, education and events.
Sarah has led our Communications since joining the Te Pai Ora SSPA team in 2020. She loves the opportunities she has through her mahi to meet amazing people, hear their journeys and stories, and share them across the social sector and beyond.
Sarah has three young children and when she is away from Te Pai Ora SSPA you will find her enjoying her whānau and friends, whether it be through events in her community, sports, music, or sharing kai and her home.
Clare Docherty
I whānau ahau i te maru o Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū.
I tipu ake ahau i te kainga o Ōtautahi, i te taha rāwhiti ka pupuhi te hau, me ka raranga mai te awa o Ōtakaro. Kei Te Whanganui-a-Tara ahau e noho ana ināianei.
Clare leads our Learning and Development mahi at SSPA, supporting kaimahi to strengthen practice, grow capability, nurture hauora, and remain up-to-date with key developments in the sector, on a range of kaupapa responsive to the needs of the social services sector.
She has previously worked across government and NGOs with experience in events, education, youth programmes and health promotion.
She is a full-time mother, sometime celebrant, and amateur juggler. Outside of work, you’ll find Clare close to the moana, on the tennis court or eternally searching for the best almond croissant in the city!
National Executive
Te Pai Ora SSPA is governed by a National Executive made up of members elected by our membership. We practice a Te Tiriti o Waitangi-based model of governance, with equitable tangata whenua and tauiwi representation, and tangata whenua and tauiwi Co-Chairs. Our governing rules provide for up to three additional appointed members, and our Chief Executive Officer is an ex-officio member of the National Executive.
Victoria Newcombe
Co-ChairTauiwi Member -
Tuhi Leef
TreasurerNgāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua | Tangata Whenua member -
Marihi Langford
CO-CHAIRNgāti Kuri | Tangata Whenua member -
Cindy Kawana
Tangata Whenua member -
Andrea McLeod
Tauiwi Member -
Carmen Batchelor
Tauiwi Member
Victoria Newcombe
Victoria is the General Manager Social Services for Presbyterian Support Upper South Island, based in Ōtautahi Christchurch. She also represents the Upper South Island region on the national Family Works Managers Group, which she chairs. Victoria has been a social worker for over 20 years and subsequently trained to become a Child and Family Psychologist. She is currently the Chairperson of the Right Service Right Time (RSRT) Governance Group which provides an entry point for co-ordinated responses from agencies supporting tamariki and whānau in Waitahi Canterbury. Victoria has served as the Deputy Chair of the SSPA National Executive since 2020, and took up the role of Co-Chair in May 2023.
Tuhi Leef
Tuhi was elected to the National Executive in 2022, and holds the role of Treasurer. He is a valued-based leader with experience in social services, education, forestry, tourism, property and financial services. Currently, Tuhi serves as the General Manager for Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou in Tāmaki Makaurau. Tuhi is a Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. In his role on the SSPA National Executive, he is committed to contributing to the organisation’s strategic priorities to ultimately support better outcomes for our children and whānau.
Marihi Langford
Marihi is the CEO of Tuhiata Mahi Ora Trust, based in the beautiful far north in Kaitaia and the rōhe of Te Hiku. She has worked across Māori health and social services for over twenty years and is dedicated to effective outcomes for our people and communities. She has previously held roles with the District Health Board and NGOs in the areas of social and health services. Marihi has served on the SSPA National Executive since 2018, and brings with her governance and strategic thinking skills, as well as Māori provider experience. She is a strong advocate for Māori workforce development.
Cindy Kawana
No Taranaki te maunga
No Aotea te waka
Ko Ngaruahine me
Rangitane ki Wairarapa oku iwi
Ko Cindy Kawana
Cindy is the Mana Whakahaere at E Tipu E Rea Whānau Services. She has over 20 years of experience in the social services sector, with a focus on domestic violence. Originally trained as an Early Childhood Teacher, Cindy’s career has enabled her to live, work, and travel extensively throughout Southeast Asia. She has since returned to tertiary study and is currently completing a Degree in Humanities, majoring in Policy and Indigenous Development.
Cindy is deeply passionate about ensuring that whānau are recognised as leaders of their own journey, with services supporting them and, when needed, acting as the korowai to help them along the way. Her extensive experience in the domestic violence sector has influenced her belief in the necessity of a Te Ao Māori framework for achieving sustainable change and improving outcomes for whānau.
In recognition of her dedication, Cindy has been awarded a Lifetime Collective membership to Nelson Women’s and Children’s Refuge for her contributions to the organisation and community. She is also an active member of her North Shore Auckland community, serving as a Board Member for the local Community Project. Cindy’s commitment to the field of whānau violence is evident through her involvement in national sector advisory groups.
Above all, Cindy’s greatest passion is her whānau and the support she provides to them. She is the proud mother of a young wāhine Māori, Cass, who appears to be following in her footsteps. As a teacher, Cass is also drawn to working with children who are experiencing whānau violence.
Andrea McLeod
Andrea is the Chief Executive Officer of the Anglican Trust for Women and Children. She lives in Tāmaki Makaurau and is of Tongan heritage. Andrea is also the proud mother of two bright young adults. She has extensive leadership experience, and prior to her current role, she was the General Manager of Social Services at Presbyterian Support Northern, where she led the integration of their suite of services: Family Works, Shine, and Lifeline.
With a background as a Registered Nurse, Andrea has worked across both the public and NGO sectors. She holds a postgraduate degree in management and is an alumnus of Leadership New Zealand.
Andrea’s governance experience spans over eight years as Chair of the Home and Community Health Association, the peak body for the sector. During this time, she played a key leadership role in representing the sector through the Support Worker Pay Equity negotiations, which led to the groundbreaking settlement.
She is currently Co-Chair of Manawa Titī Tamaki, the Family Violence Governance Group for the Central Auckland area, a partnership between iwi, government agencies, and NGOs. Andrea was also a director of Careerforce, and following its transition to Te Pūkenga, she remained on as the interim Chair of CSSITO, leading the establishment of a new board and the creation of a grant-making body that provides funding for workforce development initiatives for members of peak bodies, including Te Pai Ora SSPA.
Andrea has found her place working in values-based organisations, fostering partnerships and collaboration to bring about meaningful change. She is committed to the mahi of Te Pai Ora SSPA.
Carmen Batchelor
Carmen is the Social Sector Partner Lead at A3 Kaitiaki Ltd. She was born and raised in Invercargill and has lived in Dunedin Ōtepoti since 1990. Carmen is a proud New Zealand born Samoan who loves bridging between cultures, she is dedicated to servant leadership and being accessible to support communities to live their best lives. Carmen is currently the Social Sector Partner Lead for Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke kī te Tonga (lower Southern Te Wai Pounamu region) employed by A3 Kaitiaki Ltd on behalf of the Whāngaia multi-agency collective. She has professional qualifications in social work and psychology and has been involved in the social sector for 30 years working across the generations. She has a wide range of experience across community, social sector, voluntary, policy, education and the government sector. Carmen has held a diversity of roles throughout her career from starting in front-line social work, team leader, adult education/training and development, facilitator/tutor, supervision, coaching, manager, specialist practice advisory roles and senior leadership positions. Carmen has held a range of community governance positions including a variety of community panels and specialist advisory groups. Carmen is passionate about tamariki, rangatahi and whānau and community centred ways of being and ensuring that everyone has a place and space in their village. Carmen is relentlessly committed to system level advocacy that places tamariki and whānau at the heart of all we do. Alongside this she is dedicated to championing social sector leadership and well-being, collectively working with the sector to achieve sustainability, social justice and equity.