On 15 June 2023 it was confimed that Cabinet had taken the final step to confirm the social work pay equity claim settlement extension. This is a historic moment for our community-based social sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. It means that pay equity will now be experienced by people in community-based social work roles across our Iwi, kaupapa Māori, Pacific and NGO social services. Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa has been closely involved in the extension process mahi, as the sector coordinator for the employers in the pay equity claim.
The extension means:
The pay equity settlement last year with the five employers will now reach across our community-based social work roles
Over 5000 kaimahi are covered by the extension
On average, the extension will provide a 27% pay correction
Pay rates will be based on a new pay spine
The effective date for the new pay rates under the extension is 01 July 2023 (with backdating to this date)
Funding will be made available from funding agencies via variations to contracts
Employers are required to pass on the funding in full to employees covered under the extension
Funders are required to review the funding they provide in contracts to ensure employers can maintain the new pay equity rates for social work over time