SSPA Kai & Kōrero: Learning over lunch - A Fair Chance for All: Breaking the cycle of persistent disadvantage, presented by Catherine Proffitt, New Zealand Productivity Commission - Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa
With our ongoing commitment to provide learning and connection opportunities for our members and the wider sector, Kai & Kōrero: Learning over lunch is a new initiative for our SSPA whānau to join us online from wherever you are around the motu once a month. Each session the speaker will either be a SSPA member or someone we work closely with.
These resources are from our session held on Tuesday 17 October 2023. The New Zealand Productivity Commission | Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa shared recommendations and findings from the final A Fair Chance for All inquiry report released earlier this year. An inquiry into economic inclusion and social mobility, focusing on the drivers and underlying dynamics of persistent disadvantage.
SSPA members have contributed to this inquiry from its outset, we brought our members together to back in 2021 to inform our Inquiry Terms of Reference (TOR) submission, and the Inquiry team were part of the SSPA online Whakamanawa 2022 conference to share early findings and gather feedback. We again brought members together to discuss the findings of the interim report to inform our submission later in October 2022. Our CEO at the time, Dr Claire Achmad was part of panel discussions sharing from a community-based social service perspective on both the interim and final report. It was great to come full circle bringing SSPA members together to hear directly about the final report from Inquiry Director Catherine Proffitt.
Catherine Proffitt is one of two Inquiry Directors at New Zealand Productivity Commission - Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa. Catherine has a background in policy and strategy, with over 14 years’ experience working in and consulting to the public sector.
Key resources:
- Slides from SSPA Kai & Kōrero: Learning over lunch 17 October 2023
- A Fair Chance for All inquiry report published on 20 June 2023 which contains the list of 20 findings and 20 recommendations, and the road map which summarises the headline recommendations and suggested order of priority, available here
- The supplementary report with quantitative analysis of disadvantage and how it persists in Aotearoa New Zealand, released on 31 July 2023, available here
- Working paper on Multidimensional disadvantage and wellbeing. The paper examines the measurement of different types of disadvantage – income poverty, deprivation, and social exclusion – to develop new measures to assess disadvantage. These new dimensional measures are then used to examine the relationship between disadvantage and wellbeing. This working paper supports the quantitative analysis used to inform the findings and recommendations of the Commission’s inquiry, available here
- On the inquiry webpage are the links to all the research reports including Together alone: A review of joined-up social services and The nature of disadvantage faced by children in New Zealand: implications for policy and service provision