Te Pai Ora SSPA AGM 2024
Notice of AGM
Ngā mihi mahana ki ngā mema kātoa o Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa.
This Notice is the formal notification to members of the business coming up at the AGM and the call for nominations for the National Executive, the process for Resolutions and Notices of Motion and how to email vote at the AGM if you are unable to attend.
Key Details
Our AGM will be held online via Zoom. As a national membership-based organisation, holding our AGM virtually makes attending as accessible as possible for our members around the motu. All Te Pai Ora SSPA members are warmly welcome to attend – Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki tēnei hui.
Please hold the date and time in your diary now:
Thursday 21 November 2024, 2pm on Zoom
Register here for the AGM. The AGM will run for up to an hour, to which all members are invited to attend.
We require a quorum of 12 members to run the AGM.
The format of the formal AGM will be as follows:
- Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 AGM
- Acceptance of the 2023-2024 performance report, including the financial reports
- Voting on the vacancies on the National Executive if required (or confirmation of the nominations)
- Appointment of Auditor
- Any Resolutions or Notices of motion received by the due date - see below
There will not be any items of general business from the floor. If members wish to raise specific issues they can do so via a notice of motion, prior to the AGM.
The AGM will be hosted by a panel comprising the Co-Chairs of the National Executive, the Treasurer, and the Chief Executive Officer. Administration and vote counting support will be provided by the Te Pai Ora SSPA Team. Pātai from attendees on the performance report will be taken via the chat function within Zoom. Voting procedures, including on National Executive nominations if required, will be outlined beforehand and also explained at the start of the AGM.
An agenda and papers will be made available on the Te Pai Ora SSPA website via a link that will be sent to members by Thursday 14 November.
Eligibility to vote and attend AGM
Representatives of any Te Pai Ora SSPA member may attend, whether full members or affiliates. Only full members who are paid up (i.e., have paid their membership fees for the current 2024/25 year) may vote. Voting is on the basis of one vote per member organisation. Affiliate and student members are not eligible to vote. A quorum for the AGM is twelve full members of Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa.
Resolutions and Notices of Motion
We are also now calling for any Notices of Motion or Resolutions members would like to submit to the AGM.
A Resolution proposes changes to Te Pai Ora SSPA's constitution and must specify which sections of the current Rules are under consideration and specific wording proposed for any amendments or additions. This should be supported by brief explanatory material. A mover and a seconder must be identified.
A Notice of Motion may raise any other matter it is relevant for the AGM to consider. It should contain the proposal stated as a recommendation, plus brief supporting materials.
Any notices of motion or resolutions must be received by the Chief Executive Officer (email to ceo@sspa.org.nz) no later than 5pm Thursday 7 November 2024.
Email Voting
Members who are unable to attend the online AGM may cast their vote electronically beforehand. Details will be sent out by email by 14 November with the closing date to receive such votes being 12pm, Monday 18 November 2024.
Nominations for the National Executive – Three vacancies to be elected at AGM
At this AGM, three members of the National Executive will be stepping down. Consequently, we are calling for nominations for these three positions, one tangata whenua position and two tauiwi positions.
The members who are completing their term are Zoe Witika-Hawke (tangata whenua, current Co-Chair), Claire Ramsay (tauiwi) and Judy Matai’a (tauiwi).
The National Executive is Te Pai Ora SSPA’s governing body and is responsible for the organisation’s strategic direction and sustainability. Under our Rules, the National Executive shall comprise at least 6 and no more than 9 voting members.
Nominations closed on Thursday 7 November. A Guide for prospective executive members is available here. It outlines the role of the National Executive, and of individual executive members and the time commitment involved.
Summary of Key Dates
Thursday 7 November 2024
- ·Nominations for National Executive due:
- 1 tangata whenua position
- 2 tauiwi positions
- Resolutions and Notices of Motion due
By Thursday 14 November 2024
- AGM papers sent out by email to members. Includes:
- Agenda for AGM
- Minutes from the 2023 AGM
- Nominations received for National Executive
- Any Resolutions and Notices of Motion
- Proposed amendments to the Te Pai Ora SSPA Constitution
- Annual Report and Financial Statements
- Email voting opens
Monday 18 November 2024
- Email voting closes 12pm
Thursday 21 November 2024
- AGM at 2pm via Zoom
Ngā mihi nunui mō tō tautoko o tēnei kaupapa.
With our collective membership, Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa is working to ensure Aotearoa's community-based social services are sustainable, making a positive impact every day in our communities, supporting children, young people and whānau to thrive now and into the future.