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Media Release - Community providers welcome pause of harmful Oranga Tamariki contracting process
Te Pai Ora SSPA Annual Report 2024
Te Pai Ora SSPA's Annual Report is now online -
Congratulations to our New National Executive Members!
Nau mai haere mai Carmen Batchelor, Cindy Kawana, and Andrea McLeod to our Te Pai Ora SSPA National Executive! -
Media Release - Auditor General’s inquiry into Oranga Tamariki welcomed by not-for-profit community providers
Te Pai Ora SSPA is welcoming the Auditor General’s inquiry into Oranga Tamariki’s procurement and contract management processes, announced today. -
Kia Mauri Ora Issue 12 out now
We are so excited for our members and stakeholders to be receiving issue 12 of Kia Mauri Ora: Social Service Excellence in Aotearoa! -
Community-based Social Services on Edge: Funding Cuts Threaten Children
In recent months, community-based social service providers have continued their tireless efforts to support their communities and hapori, despite the uncertainty of their future and the challenges posed by a lack of communication and information from their critical funding partner Oranga Tamariki. -
Te Pai Ora delivers submission on the Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of 7AA) Amendment Bill
This morning, Wednesday 7 August, our Chief Executive, Belinda Himiona and Policy & Information Advisor, Fiona Bawden delivered our submission on the Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of 7AA) Amendment Bill. -
Social Service Providers throughout Aotearoa New Zealand continue to lose funding
Funding and contracting issues with Oranga Tamariki
We continue to hear from many of our Te Pai Ora SSPA members about the funding and contracting issues they are facing with Oranga Tamariki. -
Te Pai Ora SSPA reacts to Budget 2024
Read our media release reacting to Budget 2024. If you’ve had a chance to think about the Budget, what are your whakaaro (thoughts)? Email our Policy & Information Advisor, -
Briefing to the Incoming Government
Te Pai Ora SSPA shares their Briefing to the Incoming Government. -
Winter 2023 issue of Kia Mauri Ora out now!
The latest issue of our flagship magazine Kia Mauri Ora is out now! -
Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa welcomes new Chief Executive
Inviting applications – CEO, Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa
Applications are now open to join us at Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa in the role of Chief Executive Officer. We welcome applications from kaimahi working in our member organisations and beyond. -
An important message from our SSPA Co-Chairs
Community-based social work pay equity settlement extension confirmed
On 15 June 2023 it was confimed that Cabinet had taken the final step to confirm the social work pay equity claim settlement extension. This is a historic moment for our community-based social sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. -
Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa reacts to Budget 2023
Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa (SSPA) welcomes initiatives in Budget 2023 that will make a difference for families and whānau, and the community-based social services providers who support them. -
Access to free training for SSPA Members
For a limited time, Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa (SSPA) is offering our members the opportunity to complete the online eLearning course Fundamentals of Safeguarding and Child Protection on a fees-free basis. -
Cyclone & Flooding Response & Recovery: Key issues from our members throughout Te Ika-a-Māui
Today we are publishing our brief snapshot paper, highlighting key issues we are hearing from SSPA members throughout affected rōhe of Te Ika-a-Māui, and to outline some key calls to government at this time. -
Earlybird registrations now open!
Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki Whakamanawa 2023 – The National Social Services Conference! 1 & 2 May 2023, Te Papa Tongarewa in beautiful Te Whanganui-a-Tara! Whakamanawa is the moment for all those working in social service mahi and across the social sector to hui together, be inspired, share learning and keep up-to-date with everything happening in our sector.